VISiiO market research methodology
VISiiO market research methodology


Cutting edge

VISiiO uses the very latest technologies and nimble approaches to deliver you precise insights in an ever-changing world. Thanks to our deep understanding of processes and problems, we are able to provide pragmatic solutions that add real value to your complex and often multi-faceted questions.

We have a huge portfolio of different methods at our fingertips, enabling us to offer you tailor-made solutions. Our experts do not just understand the current challenges faced by your industry, but also relish in thinking ahead to keep you a step ahead of the competition. Challenge us with your ideas and be inspired by our practical proposals!

You already have custom research concepts and would like to bring your target audience to life, get closer to them and experience their world more intensely? Then why not make use of our expertise in selecting and talking to just the right opinion-givers.


What we can do for you

VISiiO market research methodology - Recruiting B2C & B2B

Recruiting B2C & B2B

We can find the exact respondents needed to make your study a success. We really relish seeking out difficult niche target audiences for demanding projects.

VISiiO market research methodology - Research communities

Research communities

We have our own online community which can deliver rapid feedback on any of your topics short term. Alternatively, we can support you by providing the technical set-up for your own communities of customers, patients, experts or employees.

VISiiO market research methodology - Social media recruitment

Social media recruitment

Thanks to specific targeting, large outreach and cost-effective advertising, we can recruit a broad and diverse sample for you on different social media.

VISiiO market research methodology - Mobile research

Mobile research

Via mobile devices you can interview and accompany respondents directly on site and in real-time. Methods like smartphone diaries, mystery tests, smartphone interviews, WhatsApp chats, etc. offer you rapid insights into consumer behaviour.

VISiiO market research methodology - Screeners & questionnaires

Screeners & questionnaires

We can take on the task of creating precise and user-friendly screeners and questionnaires for you – from programming, via hosting, right through to delivering the data.

VISiiO market research methodology - Facilitation


Our experienced focus group and depth interview facilitators guarantee structured discussions and sound insights when it comes to a precise evaluation of your target audiences’ needs and opinions.

VISiiO market research methodology - Interviews


Interviews provide deep insights into people’s opinions, needs and motivation. Whether we are talking about in-depth psychological, ethnographic, POS or usability interviews, accompanied shopping or many others.

VISiiO market research methodology - Focus groups

Focus groups

You would like to understand the opinions and attitudes of your target audience better? Focus groups provide you with profound and varied insights into topics you find relevant.

VISiiO market research methodology - Workshops


Our workshops give you the opportunity to test different ideas, concepts, product developments or designs in a realistic setting with selected candidates, e.g. to test creative innovators and obtain immediate feedback regarding practicability and acceptance.

VISiiO market research methodology - Interpreting


Our simultaneous interpreters make sure you can understand what is being said in foreign-language focus groups and interviews. Trust in our expertise to reveal precise and culturally relevant insights into international respondents.

VISiiO market research methodology - Live streaming

Live streaming

We use the very latest streaming techniques for focus groups and interviews, meaning that you can follow your market research projects in real-time, regardless of where you are in the world.

VISiiO market research methodology - Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality

We use VR to simulate the surroundings that impact on consumer behaviour in a realistic and immersive manner and in real-time. This means that you can experience at first hand how your target audience reacts to and interacts with new products and advertising campaigns along the customer journey.

VISiiO market research methodology - Chats with panels of experts

Chats with panels of experts

Virtual focus groups enable experts from wide-ranging industries to provide valuable insights into developing new products, strategies and solutions.

VISiiO market research methodology - Payment research

Payment research

Understand payment behaviour and preferences, the acceptance of loyalty programmes or potential security concerns on the part of your target audience better to enable you to introduce innovative payment methods more successfully.

VISiiO market research methodology - Healthcare research

Healthcare research

We provide you with valuable commercial insights into the world of pharmaceuticals and medical technology. We offer comprehensive support for our clients by researching their target audiences, spotlighting moment-of-truth decisions, touchpoint analyses, product research, tracking surveys (field service), positioning studies etc.