Terms of Participation / Confidentiality Agreement VISiiO PANEL
These terms of participation (general terms and conditions) and the confidentiality agreement apply to the VISiiO-PANEL and all related applications, regardless of how and where you participate in the VISiiO-PANEL market research studies (in person at a test location, via computer, laptop, mobile phone, or another device).
By registering with the VISiiO PANEL, you accept these terms of participation and confidentiality agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, you may not participate in the VISiiO PANEL.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time, for example, via email at info@visiio.de.
I. What is the VISiiO PANEL?
When you register for the VISiiO PANEL, you have the opportunity to participate in specific selected surveys. There is no entitlement to participate in surveys. Participation in each survey for which you receive an invitation is always free of charge and voluntary. You can decide on a case-by-case basis whether or not to participate. Declining participation has no consequences for you, but if you do not participate, you will not receive an incentive (please see below).
II. Registration Requirements and Providing and Storing Profile Data
You can only register for the VISiiO PANEL if you are at least 16 years old. Persons under 16 years of age cannot register for the VISiiO PANEL themselves. If you indicate in your profile survey that you have children, VISiiO may contact you with surveys for your children. Participation is always voluntary and may only occur if both you and your child agree to participate.
You may only have one account, and the information you provide must be truthful. For example, false names and address information must not be used. If false information is provided, VISiiO reserves the right to suspend or delete the account, which may result in incentives not being paid. You are obligated to keep your profile data up to date at all times. You can do this via info@visiio.de or by phone at +49 (0)221 – 273 20 820.
You can register via the registration form on our website www.visiio.de/en/respondents-wanted/visiio-panel/. The information you provide is used to manage the VISiiO PANEL, conduct and distribute surveys, and process earned incentives.
To invite the required and suitable participants for surveys and avoid having to provide this data for every survey, certain profile information must already be entered during registration. This includes, for example: First and last name, Gender, Age, Marital status, Number and age of children, Household size, Education, Type of employment, Occupational field and title, Place of residence, state, living environment, and housing situation, Net household income, Contact information (mobile number and email), Social media usage, Mobility information, Hobbies, Media consumption, Use of specific shopping locations, Dietary habits, Pets. This data will be stored until you deregister from the VISiiO PANEL and may be combined with your survey responses.
Your provided information is never shared with the clients of our surveys in a personally identifiable manner. Our clients do not know who participated in the study and cannot contact participants.
III. Selection for Surveys
Registration does not guarantee participation in surveys. Whether and how often you are invited depends on whether your profile data matches the target group sought. Depending on survey requirements, you may not receive any or only occasional invitations. If you possibly fit the target group, you will receive an invitation to the survey. At the beginning of the survey, we will present you with screening questions. Based on your answers, it will be determined whether you may participate in the survey. If you are not eligible, the survey will end after the screening questions, and you will not receive incentive points (see Section VIII). In some cases, it may also happen that too many people from the target group have already participated, preventing further participation in the survey.
IV. Inactivity
If you do not participate in any surveys for more than 24 months, we reserve the right to delete your account and associated data. You will be informed in this case and given the opportunity to object to the deletion.
V. Code of Conduct for the VISiiO PANEL
We rely on you and other participants to express your opinions. To ensure a proper framework, there are a few rules of conduct. If these are not followed, we reserve the right to suspend your account and deny further registration.
- Answer the surveys yourself and do not let others complete them for you.
- Respect the opinions of others and be polite.
- Do not engage in fraudulent activities.
- If you come into contact with data from other participants, treat it confidentially and do not use it outside the VISiiO PANEL.
- Do not take screenshots or publish information (e.g., about surveys or other participants) that you access through the VISiiO PANEL, including on social media. Screenshots or photos of the surveys or other information from the VISiiO PANEL market research studies may not be published or passed on to third parties.
- Do not use automated or semi-automated tools to answer surveys or extract/use data from the VISiiO PANEL market research studies.
- Comply with applicable laws.
- Do not contact VISiiO’s clients directly.
VI. Confidentiality of VISiiO PANEL Market Research Studies
The market research studies may include confidential and sensitive information. All survey content must not be shared, published, or used for other purposes.
This includes, in particular::
– personal data as defined by Art. 4 No. 1 GDPR,
– information about offers, prices, customers, partners, and employees,
– economic information,
– scientific information,
– information on products, goods or services that the client manufactures or has manufactured,
– development and research information,
– information on industrial property rights,
– information on copyrights and
– information marked as “confidential,” “secret,” “VS” or similarly labeled.
This also includes questions and the order of the questions. In some cases, you may also be shown images, videos, websites or the like so that you can answer related questions. This content may not be published, downloaded, photographed or otherwise reproduced. This information may also not be passed on to third parties. An offence may result in the account being blocked and deleted. Irrespective of the blocking/deletion, claims for damages may be asserted against you.
VII. General Confidentiality Obligations
1. Participants commit to treating all confidential information shared in connection with the initiation of or participation in a market research study as confidential and not to pass it on to third parties or make this information accessible to third parties without the consent of VISiiO. Consent must be given in text form.
2. VISiiO Panel participants may only use confidential information insofar as this is necessary for the performance of its services for the client.
VIII. Incentivisation
1. Each study invitation specifies the incentive for proper and complete participation. Incentives are not payments but small tokens of appreciation. There is no claim to alternative rewards for future surveys. There is also no entitlement to comparable incentives for future surveys. If you are not allowed to continue participating in the survey after the screener questions, you will not receive an incentive.
2. As an incentive for complete and proper participation in a market research study (not just the screener questions), you will receive a certain expense allowance in €, as stated in the invitation to the study, transferred to a German bank account after completion of the study.
3. In the following cases, we may refuse to pay the incentive and may block the account if there is a second offence:
- Participation in the market research study was not complete. For example, a pretask/posttask was not processed, no photos/videos were created as requested, etc.
- If it is recognisable that, for example, a supported survey was only answered/clicked through quickly and was not read and answered properly.
- If the answers contain obviously incorrect answers. For example, implausible free text answers.
- If response patterns are recognisable.
- If the answers give rise to the suspicion that they have not been answered properly (e.g. contradictory answers).
4. Incentives are only available to you personally and cannot be transferred to other accounts or other individuals.
5. If you are of the opinion that you have been wrongly refused an incentive, please contact VISiiO with your reasons. VISiiO will then review your objection and inform you of the outcome. Feedback will be provided within 10 days if possible, but may take longer in individual cases. VISiiO will inform you immediately when the check has been completed.
IX. What may not be published, stated in surveys and used in market research studies:
- Content that infringes copyrights, trademark rights, patents, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights.
- Photos taken by other persons if their express and verifiable consent has not been obtained.
- Photos showing other persons who have not expressly and verifiably consented.
- Personal data of other persons and personal data of you, unless you are asked for it and you should not agree to it.
- Political, religious or ideological information, unless you are asked for it and if you do not agree to it.
- Illegal content.
- Content that could jeopardise the IT infrastructure, the website or other applications (e.g. viruses, spyware, adware, malware, etc.).
- Obscene, vulgar, harmful, untrue, misleading content.
X. Data Protection
Please refer to our data protection policy
Status: January 2025