Our specialist subject
As market researchers with long-standing experience, we feel very passionate about researching target audiences from the areas of consumer, pharma, media, mobility, industry and IT/telecommunications. As a cutting-edge company, you benefit from our deep network as a field service provider and from the depth of knowledge resulting from our experience across many different industries over the years. Our expertise and passion come especially to the fore in B2C and B2B projects.
The much sought-after consumer is king or queen in the digital age. He or she can research, book or order something anytime, anywhere (24/7). Only those who know the customer journey and are able to shine a light on when decisions are taken will be successful in the marketplace of the future. VISiiO helps give you the edge by providing intrinsically motivated, genuine and creative respondents to answer your questions.
We are able to identify and recruit the relevant protagonists in the health sector, helping you gain insights that you can specifically use to benefit your healthcare clients. Our wealth of experience, the number of profound experts in our database and the passion with which we engage in recruiting new respondents for every project mean that we can also seek out professionals in niche areas, helping you to consummately realise the most demanding of projects.
Evaluating viewers’ preferences and behaviour is one of the most important roles of market research. As a media company, we support you with surveys, focus groups, data analyses and more, so that you understand precisely what content and which formats directly appeal to your target audience, enabling you to adapt your program offering and develop suitable content.
Mobility research in times of change! We help you to track down your target audience from all sorts of different segments and to recruit respondents able to provide competent answers. Our long-standing experience in practical recruitment and fieldwork means we can find just the right people you need to talk to. We can also provide accurate answers and inspiring perspectives in today’s ever-changing and shifting market.
For companies working in industry, market research is an essential tool for evaluating existing products and services, identifying market trends and sales opportunities as well as for developing marketing strategies and sales concepts. We help you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the marketplace, better meet customers’ demands and to become more competitive.
IT / telecommunications
It is extremely challenging to remain a leader in a technological field. With our telecommunications panel and our expertise in identifying and addressing IT professionals, we can introduce you to consumer and business experts who bring the necessary involvement to increase the quality and output of your study data.